CBD Benefits Explained by Science

CBD Benefits Explained by Science

Looking at the news, you would think that CBD was the cure all to everything. We all know to take claims we hear with a grain of salt, but with so many claims out there, it’s helpful to know what’s true and what isn’t.

This article is designed to share the CBD benefits explained by science, with relevant studies that back up these claims.

It Can Help Fight Cancer

One of the biggest claims about CBD is that it can help in the fight against cancer. While CBD can’t cure cancer, many studies have shown that it can help fight nausea, shrink tumors, and ease pain associated with cancer.

CBD isn’t a complete cureall however, and also needs to be discussed with your doctor. There’s some evidence that it can work against immunotherapy when the two are used together.

It Can Help Reduce Seizures

CBD first started gaining attention because parents were giving it to their children. This might sound shocking, but a specific strain of CBD called Charlotte’s Web was specifically bred to combat medication resistant seizures in children.

Desperate parents new long before scientists did that CBD worked.

It’s Great for Anxiety

Anxiety has become a growing problem in what is now a very stressful world. While things like exercise, spending time in nature, and a healthy diet can help—sometimes you just need more. CBD has proven to be a powerful agent in controlling anxiety, and seems to work on a broad spectrum of different mental health problems.

It can Control Pain

Another common reason why people look for CBD is for difficult to control pain. This is especially the case for diseases like fibromyalgia, where the pain is constant and difficult to ease. CBD is ideal for this because it has been shown to control chronic pain very well.

Best of all, CBD isn’t addictive like many chronic pain medications are. That means those suffering can control their pain without having to worry about whether they will become a drug addict or have to go through treatment to be able to stop.

With the opioid epidemic and the difficulty in getting relief any other way, CBD can be a big relief for those suffering from chronic pain.

CBD Really Doesn’t Get You High

I know, I know. Isn’t CBD from the marijuana plant? Isn’t it just a way to get high?!

While CBD is a part of cannabis sativa, no it can’t get you high. The cannabis plant is sometimes called the plant of a thousand molecules, because it has so many different aspects to it. Hemp from industrial marijuana forms rope and clothing for us. THC is the part that has psychedelic effects. CBD has many different medical aspects but does not get you high.

Cannabis sativa has been used and cultivate for centuries to help with a variety of ailments. While our ancient ancestors have known for thousands of years how helpful CBD can be, science is only just now catching up.

Thanks to the recent interest in CBD and what it can do however, we have an abundance of scientific papers backing the use of CBD for many different ailments.ה